"Just when I thought I say all I could say
My chick on the side said she got one on the way

These are my confession
If I'm gonna tell it then,I gotta tell it all

Damn near cried, when I got that phone call
I'm so thrown, I don't know what to do
But to give part 2 of mine

Better stand tall when they're calling you out
Don't bend
Don't break
Baby, don't break down

(these are my confession)

It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm tired! (Physically and mentally) (i mean it)

I really dont hav much to say today, but im pretty sad that one of my friend is leaving.... :c, i haven't known her for long and i'm not tat close to her compare to my other friend....

Glad that i could finally talk to him, after all this time i've been acting as if i dont really care. Guess that's it, no more looking back to the past, i have to keep moving forward!(I was thinking to cut my hair shoulder length or maybe shorter, hmmmm....)

Today i felt like people were thinking like i was a snob or maybe a bitch, but hey you cant just mark someone straight away! I may not be that friendly but that's not because i'm bossy or anything, maybe i am just a shy person! (Plus i'm not a loner! If i look like one, well i don't wanna be one, maybe i'm just different. I dont see any minuses of being different, in fact some day realise it or not, it's a plus mark! "It is one who laugh the last, who'll recieve the best"

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